Sankalp 2021

Sankalp is a personal vow - a firm resolve to achieve something or to follow a specific path. An understanding of the motivation behind your "Sankalp" is necessary. If your resolution is only dealing with cosmetic changes in your life, it may not uphold the work, time, and energy needed to accomplish the same. However, if a Sankalp's inspiration is rooted in a yearning to change your life for the better, then all the grind needed to see through your resolution seems worth it.

Broadly speaking a goal-oriented approach towards a Sankalp is more comfortable to practice when compared to a resolve to follow a particular path or a lifestyle. For example, losing a certain amount of body weight is a more straightforward resolution than to commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle every day. Even though both approaches are intertwined, we must define our Sankalp based on our mental make up. Contemplating the reasons, benefits and the effort required for seeing through a Sankalp is a prerequisite for a serious attempt.

A Sankalp (a personal vow) or a resolution involves positive actions (pravritti) or leaving negative mindsets (nivritti). Pravritti aids in forming new habits and Nivritti is an act of willful renunciation of negative patterns and dependencies. When we resolve, we may not fully understand its reasons or the effort needed to stick through the resolution. It's an idea we are committing ourselves. Positive actions bring about clarity in mind that further explain why and what we want to achieve. Understanding brings unshakable faith in the process and the advantages of the effort. Wilful renunciation creates space for new mental formations. A two-pronged approach towards a Sankalp is the best way to move ahead.

Our resolutions usually represent a big mountain that we need to climb. If it is too easy to execute, then there is very little joy to be extracted out of the achievement. "Sankalp" is articulating our wish or dreams. We need a road map to support articulated intent. But the understanding of our Sankalp grows with time. Hence the road map will change. Acceptance of change in plan is an example of growth, not retreat. Challenging resolutions need to be supported by do-able actions, no matter how small they look. Tiny lifestyle changes can bring about a complete revolution to your health. Small changes in day planning can help you become more productive, and daily inclusion of mindfulness practice can push you towards high states of consciousness. Small and singular steps are eventually responsible to climb the highest mountains.

A Sankalp involves three dimensions - description of the resolve (more like a stated desire), actions we undertake to fulfil the resolution (pravritti and nivritti) and finally the dhairya or patience. Dhairya is needed to bring us back to the path of attaining our Sankalp. You will face obstacles, failure, doubt and inertia while achieving your Sankalp. Every time we get distracted, we must encourage ourselves with patience and guide ourselves back to the trajectory. Initial stages of the route will be cyclic - Sankalp-Pravritti-Dhairya .i.e. resolve, act and be patient with yourself. Repeat this process no matter how many times our habits and doubts pull us back. To reconstruct, you need to be stoic.

Take a Sankalp - a deep, private vow that will make 2021 a defining year of your life.

- Abhishek